I’m perplexed when people say a movie needs to be blatantly evangelical in order to bring glory to God. Unless a character gets saved (i.e., prays the “sinner’s prayer”) and/or the gospel is explicitly defined, the movie is a waste—so they say. That vexes me. I’m terribly vexed. (Thankfully, these people weren’t in charge of creation. If they had been, every blade of grass would be stamped with John 3:16 or something.) That being said, I think the gospel was unnecessarily dumbed down in End of the Spear . Unlike a work of fiction, this story is based on true events. Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian were real missionaries who were brutally killed while attempting to bring the gospel to the Waodani. I knew that going into the movie, and yet for the first thirty minutes of the film I was confused about what these men were actually attempting to do. (That they were missionaries and not just secular humanitarians was not clearly defined until later in t