The Sabbath: Objection #3
Sabbath Study, Part 6 Colossians 2:16-17 is the last of the three major New Testament passages used to argue against the continuance of the Sabbath rest. So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. (Colossians 2:16, 17) Let no one judge you. “The apostle speaks here in reference to some particulars of the hand-writing of ordinances , which had been taken away , viz., the distinction of meats and drinks , what was clean and what unclean , according to the law; and the necessity of observing certain holydays or festivals , such as the new moons and particular sabbaths , or those which should be observed with more than ordinary solemnity; all these had been taken out of the way and nailed to the cross, and were no longer of moral obligation. There is no intimation here that the Sabbath was done away, or that its moral use was superseded, by the