Finding Paradise Lost
Poetry is not a literary format I readily enjoy. For me, sitting down with a Shakespeare play lends itself more to boredom and frustration than anything else. However, I happened to marry an English major who practically adores the seventeenth-century poet John Milton. After hearing Shannon explain the intriguing premise of Milton’s epic Paradise Lost , I finally agreed to read through the poem with her. Having finished, I can heartily say two things. First, there is no way I would have ever completed the poem without Shannon as my guide; she constantly provided explanations for the epic similes, archaic language, and Renaissance spelling. Second, and maybe paradoxically, I heartily believe that Paradise Lost is one of the greatest poems ever written in the English language, worthy of study and admiration. It is rather like digging for gold: hard and dirty business, but providing a wealth of reward. Why do I enjoy Paradise Lost so much? One reason is the mesmerizing nature of